martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Ellen Degeneres ya tiene su estrella en Hollywood / Ellen DeGeneres Gets Star On Walk Of Fame

La presentadora de TV Ellen Degeneres recibió su estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood, con lo que se convirtió en la famosa n° 2.477 galardonada con un espacio en el famoso Boulevard.

La presentadora desveló su estrella en el boulevard de Los Ángeles en presencia de la actriz Portia de Rossi, su esposa, y Betty Degeneres, su madre.
A la ceremonia también acudieron Ryan Seacrest y Jimmy Kimmel, quienes le dedicaron unas emotivas palabras a su colega.
Over the past few years, Ellen Degeneres has gone from 90s sitcom somebody to a national treasure - and now she's been awarded a star on the Walk Of Fame, she's literally cemented her place amongst Hollywood royalty.

Ellen was thrilled, explaining to the crowd: "It's amazing because I spent my entire career trying to conduct myself a certain way and making sure that no one walks all over me, only to get to a point that people are going to walk all over me."

Ellen's talk show, The Ellen DeGeneres show, is in its 10th season and has won 38 daytime Emmys. She was supported by her wife Portia De Rossi, who looked elegant in a black linen shift and tan leather ankle boots. Ellen wore a light grey suit and black polka dot tie.

Since she came out in 1997 Ellen has been a major spokesperson for gay rights. She inspired her mother Betty to become an LGBT rights activist.


martes, 10 de julio de 2012

Jennifer Lopez producirá una serie protagonizada por una pareja de lesbianas / Jennifer Lopez to produce new lesbian-themed TV drama

Jenifer López, la polifacética actriz, estaría preparando un drama para la cadena ABC sobre una pareja de lesbianas, según ha revelado Deadline. Aún no hay un título para la serie, pero lo que sí sabemos es que el argumento se centra en el día a día de una pareja de lesbianas cuyo hogar se pondrá patas arriba con la llegada de una caprichosa niña que se mudará con ellas.

Una de las madres es una agente de policía, mientras que la otra es una profesora de un colegio privado. Juntas tienen un hijo biológico y, además, adoptarán a unos gemelos -un niño y una niña-, formando así una gran familia.

Jennifer -que planea hacer un cameo en el show como artista invitada- es una de las productoras ejecutivas del proyecto. Peter Paige y Brad Bredeweg, creador y guionista respectivamente del drama, también producirán la serie.

La actriz y cantante terminó recientemente la undécima edición del programa musical American Idol, y lanzará al mercado Dance Again...the Hits este mes de julio, con su single Dance Again, en el que colabora con el omnipresente Pitbull.


It looks like Jennifer Lopez is going from being on television to producing it. The Puerto Rican diva is developing a television series about a lesbian couple and their children for ABC family, reports Deadline.

Lopez –a triple threat whose acting, singing and dancing has propelled her to unparalleled success– will act as an executive producer of the new hour-long drama alongside Nuyorican Productions partner Simon Fields. If ABC Family approves the untitled project to series, the single mommy of two may make guest appearances on the show as well.

The series will feature the misadventures of a lesbian couple – a police officer and a school teacher – with one biological child and a pair of adopted twins, who in the series pilot, make room in their crowded home for a rebellious teenaged girl.

Lopez is currently on tour in South America, and will kick off her North American tour with Enrique Iglesias in Montreal on July 14.

Despite reports swirling around her rumored departure from Fox’s “American Idol”, J.Lo is keeping busy with television projects. This fall, Lopez will bring “Amigas, Inc.” to MTV Tres, an aspirational series about four Miami teenagers who create a party-planning business and throw their very own, perfect quinceañera.


viernes, 6 de julio de 2012

U.S. Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe: I'm Gay

Megan Rapinoe, in an interview with Out Magazine, clarified a statement she made in an earlier interview with Kick TV that seemed like she was coming out, but only if you paid close attention. 

The thing is she was not really closeted, but she wasn’t public about it either.  That has changed and it’s a great thing she is doing by coming out publicly now before the Olympics.  Megan Rapinoe is a great athlete and a very popular member of the US women’s soccer team. She decided to come out publicly in part because she understands her status as a role model for young people and wants to be part of changing the world for young LGBT people in sports.

She is comfortable with who she is. She has been out with teammates, friends and family for a while. Making the decision to be public about being gay feels like the right next step and why not? I can only hope that more women and men in sport make similar decisions about coming out publicly.  I am not in favor of outing public figures, but I love it when they decide to come out. We need their visibility to help change the sports world top to bottom.

Megan discusses some of her perceptions about the differences between coming out for female and male athletes: She believes that it is easier for women athletes to come out and be supported by their teammates than it is for gay men in sport.  I agree that it seems like women’s teams at the college, professional and Olympic levels are more accepting in general of lesbian teammates and coaches.  However, I think we also need to acknowledge that things are changing fast in men’s sports.  We cannot assume as we did a few years ago that it would be unthinkable for a gay man in a pro team sport to come out.  Cyd Zeigler’s interviews with NFL players indicate a big change among in pro football and these changes are mirrored in comments by other male pro team sport athletes as well. Change is afoot in men’s sports.

Sometimes the media greet lesbian athletes’ coming out with a big yawn, as if it only matters now when gay male athletes come out.  Witness the incredible media frenzy recently when Wade Davis, a long retired NFL player came out as compared to the coming out of WNBA Star and Olympic team member, Seimone Augustus.  Wade Davis – interviews on CNN and hundreds of articles in the mainstream media.  Seimone Augustus? Crickets chirping in the night.  Do you seriously think her coming would have the same media response if she were an NBA player?

We cannot also assume that everything is cool for lesbians in women’s sports.  That would be a dangerous assumption.  In the last two years, we can point to several instances of discrimination against lesbian athletes or coaches in high school and college sports.  Golf coach, Katie Brenny’s lawsuit against the University of Minnesota is still going through the courts.  Let’s not forget Texas high school softball player, Skye Wyatt, who was kicked off her team and outed to her mother by her coach, whose actions were backed up by the school committee.  Remember Niki Williams the high school basketball coach (also in Texas) who was dismissed before she coached her first game because school administrators realized that she is lesbian.  Oh, yeah, and soccer coach Lisa Howe at Belmont University who was dismissed when school administrators found out her partner was having a baby.

Negative recruiting based on perceived sexual orientation is still an issue in women college sports.  Sherri Murrell is still the only publicly out lesbian basketball coach in division 1 college hoops.  Only 42% of women’s college teams are coached by women these days. That makes it difficult for lesbian coaches to come out if they think it might jeopardize their jobs or their ability to recruit which will also jeopardize their jobs.

Maybe we do not see the same level of anti-gay name-calling in women’s sports that we do in men’s sports, but it is there.  Among softball players you might have noticed an increase in hair ribbons worn during games? There is a saying among women softball players, “No bow? Lesbo.”  One softball player told me about a straight teammate who freaked out when she realized that she forgot to bring her bow to an away game.  What kind of welcoming climate do you think that makes for a gay softball player?

I could go on, but I hope you see my point: Megan Rapinoe’s coming out matters.  We still have prejudice and discrimination to fight in women’s sports. Let’s not forget that it still takes courage and a willingness to be in the spotlight for something other than your athletic ability for an athlete who is actively competing to come out, female or male.  Thank you, Megan. Let’s hope your coming out empowers more LGBT athletes and coaches to do the same.

We still have work to do in women’s and men’s sports before any athlete, male or female, coming out is not a big deal.

Sources: &

Los obispos piden al PP que cambie la actual ley de matrimonio homosexual

La Conferencia Episcopal Española (CEE) ha lanzado un llamamiento a la sociedad a expresar su disconformidad y al Gobierno y a los políticos en general a que "obren de acuerdo con su conciencia al margen de la disciplina de partido" y a cambiar la actual ley, "absoluntamente injusta", que permite el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. Los obispos españoles no ahorran descalificaciones contra los matrimonios gays, a los que consideran "un ataque al bien común" ni a su cultura, que incluyen dentro de la llamada "cultura de la muerte" en un extenso documento sobre "La verdad del amor humano", elaborado durante año y medio. Casualmente su presentación se ha hecho coincidir con la deliberación en Tribunal Constitucional del recurso contra la ley planteado por el PP y que la jerarquía católica avala.

Los obispos sostienen que "nadie puede refrendar leyes que dañan gravemente las estructuras de la sociedad". También advierten contra la "ideología de género", según la cual "cada uno puede optar en cada una de las situaciones de su vida por el género que desee, independientemente de su corporeidad", una filosofía que "deriva hacia el permisivismo más radical y en última instancia hacia el nihilismo más absoluto".


lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

Festival de Cine Gay y Lésbico de Barcelona 2011

Estamos en octubre y por lo tanto tenemos nuestra segunda cita anual con el cine gay en la ciudad de Barcelona. En otoño nos toca el Festival de Cine Gay y Lésbico de Barcelona que celebra este año su edición de 2011 y tendrá lugar del 25 de octubre al 6 de noviembre.

Al igual que otros años el Festival viene repleto de películas, documentales y cortometrajes interesantes entre los que destacan: 'Becoming Chaz' –que trata sobre la transición de Chaz Bono-, 'Gayxample' –una película surgida de la webseries-, o 'Angrarna' –un documental sueco sobre dos transexuales sexagenarios.

Una de las características más llamativas de este festival frente a otros es que cuenta con varias sedes en Barcelona, Girona y Terrassa en las que se proyectará una selección de lo mejor del festival.

Programación del festival:

Fuente: AmbienteG (

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Appeals court puts same-sex marriages on hold in California

California's ban on same-sex marriages will remain in place until at least December, an appeals court ruled Monday, dashing the hopes of hundreds of couples who had hoped to wed hundreds of couples who had hoped to wed as soon as Wednesday. The action by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit overruled a federal judge's go-ahead for the issuance of same-sex wedding licenses.

Earlier this month, U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker Walker invalidated Proposition 8, the state's voter-approved ban on such unions, finding that the measure was discriminatory and violated the Constitution Supporters of the law appealed Walker's finding to the 9th Circuit, and the appeals court ruled Monday that Proposition 8 could remain in effect while it considers the case. It indicated that it will act relatively swiftly on the appeal, setting a hearing for early December -- a schedule that pleased those challenging the measure.
But it will not come soon enough for the gay and lesbian couples who were already making plans to exchange this week Groups that defended Proposition 8 in court applauded Monday's order.

"Invalidating the people's vote based on just one judge's opinion would not have been appropriate, and would have shaken the people's confidence in our elections and the right to vote itself," said Andy Pugno, a lawyer for Marriage Equality USA, a pro-gay- marriage group, had helped arrange for champagne, music, cakes and officiators to be available at San Francisco City Hall by 5 p.m Wednesday, when Walker ordered that the marriages could resume."Oh, my goodness, this movement is like a labyrinth. Just when you think you've reached the center, the design you've reached the center, the design just shoots you out to another path," said Molly McKay, a spokeswoman for the group. "But you know you're circling back to where you want to go, which is to end discrimination and bring in marriage equality."

Supporters of Proposition 8 say that the ballot initiative, which passed with 52 percent of the vote two years will of the people. The groups also say that exclusively allowing heterosexual marriage is in the interest of the state because of its role in procreation But Walker agreed with gay rights groups that Proposition 8 discriminated against same-sex couples and violated the Constitution's 14th Amendment He also questioned whether the nonprofit and religious groups defending the initiative in court have standing to appeal his decision, because they are not named as defendants.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) and Attorney General Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown Jr. (D), both of whom oppose Proposition(D), both of whom oppose Proposition 8, declined to defend the initiative in court In its one-page ruling Monday, the appeals court suggested that it, too, has questions and asked the anti-gay- marriage groups for evidence that they have a right to appeal the decision. Groups on both sides of the issue called Walker's ruling on the constitutionality of Proposition 8 one of the most significant rulings in the battle over same-sex unions. The case is widely expected to end up before the U.S. Supreme Court Ballot initiatives have been a valuable tool for opponents of same- sex marriage, because every time the issue is put before voters, they agree to define marriage as between a man and a woman.

Gay rights groups have been more successful in the courts. Earlier this summer, a federal judge in Massachusetts invalidated the ban on federal recognition of same-sex unions in two cases that are also expected to be appealed Five states and the District allow same-sex couples to legally marry, while a majority of states explicitly ban gay unions.


Bloqueadas las bodas de parejas homosexuales en California

Las bodas de parejas homosexuales en California han sido bloqueadas al menos hasta diciembre por una corte de apelaciones, mientras se evalúa la constitucionalidad de esos enlaces, informaron este lunes las autoridades ocales. La decisión, tomada por un panel de tres jueces del noveno circuito judicial de apelaciones, neutraliza temporalmente una orden judicial tomada el pasado día 12 que hubiera permitido a reanudación de las bodas gay en California a partir del 19 de agosto.

El juez de San Francisco Vaughn Walker recientemente revocó la prohibición de los matrimonios homosexuales en California, a considerar que la legislación que los prohibía atentaba contra los derechos fundamentales recogidos en la Constitución de EEUU.
El panel acordó llevar a cabo una audiencia sobre el caso durante la semana del 6 de diciembre y ordenó a ambas partes a presentar argumentos acerca de si la Proposición 8 tienen autoridad legal para apelar la decisión judicial de Walker. El magistrado Walker consideró que la Proposición 8, aprobada en referéndum en noviembre de 2008 en California y que reformó a Carta Magna del estado para definir matrimonio como un enlace entre un hombre y una mujer, no era compatible con los principios de igualdad y proceso legal.

La decisión de Walker ha sido el último movimiento en una larga batalla legal entre defensores y detractores de las bodas entre personas del mismo sexo en California, que se remonta al año 2000, cuando un 61,3% de los electores aprobó en las urnas la Proposición 22.

Esta iniciativa modificó el código civil del estado al restringir la definición de matrimonio a un enlace que se produce únicamente entre un hombre y una mujer. Entre 2000 y 2008, el caso de los enlaces entre homosexuales y la validez de la Proposición 22 legó a los juzgados californianos, aunque las diferentes cortes de apelaciones optaron por mantener la prohibición a esas bodas.

Finalmente, la Corte Suprema de California terminó por revocar la Proposición 22 en mayo de 2008, al considerar que iba en contra de los principios constitucionales de su territorio Sin embargo, seis meses más tarde y después de que 18.000 parejas del mismo sexo pasaran por el juzgado, los electores anulaban a sentencia del Supremo en las urnas.
El 4 de noviembre de 2008 el 52,2% de los votantes aprobaba en referéndum la Proposición 8, una iniciativa promulgada por grupos conservadores con el fin de reformar la Constitución de California para consagrar e matrimonio como un derecho sólo aplicable a as uniones entre un hombre y una mujer.

Los matrimonios entre homosexuales son legales en EEUU en los estados de Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Iowa New Hampshire y en el Distrito de Columbia.
